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Yarmouth Aquarium Society Limited
Yarmouth, 26.09.1877, 20 Shares of £ 5, #356, 21,6 x 30,3 cm, braun, Knickfalten, dekorativ, kleine Vignette mit drei nackten Kindern in einem Boot beim Fische fangen.
Popis (Angličtina)
Yarmouth, 26 September 1877, 20 Shares of £ 5, #356, 21.6 x 30.3 cm, brown, folds, superb, small vignette with three nacked children in a boat while fishing.
Yarmouth Aquarium Society Limited
Historie (Německo)
Durch den Bau von Aquarien wollte das Seebad Yarmouth seine Attraktivität erhöhen. 1873 unternahm man daher den ersten Versuch ein Aquarium zu errichten. Hierfür wurde die Great Yarmouth and Eastern Countries Aquarium Company als AG gegründet. Nachdem aber nicht genügend Kapital eingeworben werden konnte, wurde die Gesellschaft 1874 wieder liquidiert. Etwas mehr als ein Jahr später unternahm die Yarmouth Aquarium Society dann einen erneuten Anlauf und war erfolgreich. Am 09.10.1875 wurde der Grundstein gelegt und am 05.09.1876 wurde das Aquarium feierlich eröffnet. Ende 1880 ging die Gesellschaft Konkurs und zum 30.09.1882 schloss das Aquarium. Das Gebäude wurde für £ 5,000 verkauft. Die Käufer errichteten nach einigen baulichen Veränderungen eines der größten Theater der östlichen Provinz.
Historie (Angličtina)
The first effort to establish an aquarium in Yarmouth at the Northeast coast of England occurred on February 7th, 1873, when a joint stock company, the Great Yarmouth and Eastern Countries Aquarium Company was founded. The proposed capitalization was £ 50.000 divided into shares of £ 2 each. The demand was not great and the shares allotted were insufficient, so that the project could not be completed. The first attempted aquarium was liquidated and the claims were all settled. Fourteen months later, on 2nd March 1875 there was another attempt to establish a new aquarium. The Borough Land Committee consented to an application by the Messrs. Massey & Norton to lease a piece of land north of the Britannia Pier, (an area of 430 feet by 100 feet) in order to build an aquarium. The estimated costs were £ 60.000. On March 9th, 1875 the city council confirmed the plan. But despite the support of such people as Lords Suffield, Walsingham and Hastings, among others. the capital brought in by the sale of the shares was insufficient to carry it out. It was modified and plans for a concert hall and winter garden were shelved. On October 9th, 1875 the cornerstone, which can still be seen, was placed in position. Lord Suffield performed the opening ceremony on September 5th, 1876. A military band commenced performances twice a day. Many ideas were tried out attract and entertain visitors. The permanent Aquarium Band, jugglers, gymnasts, handbell ringer's and other acts took part. On holidays such as Christmas one bottle of champagne, brandy, port, were offered together with a cake and a box of bonbons for one guinea. In February 1877 a roller skating rink opened. These events often attracted more visitors than the aquatic attractions. In spite of all these efforts the company found itself, on November 20th, 1880 in the hands of liquidator G. Lovewell Blake. The doors were closed for the last time on September 30th, 1882, by which time the liquidator had given up all hope of selling it to another company. An showing of the aquarium at an auction failed and the house was then purchased by four gentlemen from Yarmouth: O. Diver, F. Carpenter, S. Gunton and W. Bernard. After investing £ 10.000 they and opened the building as an opulent theatre. After many years as a cinema, the building has been recently renovated and renamed the Royalty Theater. (Source: Zoologische Gärten als Kapitalgesellschaften, Schmitz/Metzger)
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