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D- 85604 Zorneding
Deutschland / Germany
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HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
Su especialista en acciones antiguas y
historia de las finanzas
Lote |
Título |
Fecha |
Valor nominal |
Primera oferta |
Precio final |
181 | New South-Sea Annuities | 26.05.1743 | £ 115.7.6 | - | - |
182 | Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road | 16.03.1795 | 1 Share | - | - |
183 | South Sea Company - Governor and Company of Merchants of Great Britian Trading to the South Seas and other Parts of America | 23.05.1728 | Power of Attorney | - | - |
184 | Talley Bond (Anne Fairfax) | 09.06.1697 | £ 100 | - | - |
185 | Reichs-Stadt Nürnberg - Erste Lotterie | 21.01.1768 | 2 Gulden | - | - |
259 | Stadt Nürnberg | 01.05.1772 | 416 2/3 Stück Conventions-Thaler | - | - |
537 | Monte non vacabile del Sale della Città di Firenze | 26.08.1662 | 5 Luoghi | - | - |
538 | Pennsylvania Population Company | 06.02.1793 | 1 Share | - | - |
539 | Bank of Columbia | 21.03.1795 | 10 x 100 US-$ | - | - |
540 | Stadt Wien | 26.03.1789 | 2.500 Gulden | - | - |
541 | Monmouthshire Canal Navigation | 29.04.1799 | Share Ticket | - | - |
605 | Rusch Keizerlijke Majesteit | 01.01.1798 | 123,30 Gulden | - | - |
890 | Katharina die Große | 18.06.1795 | Erlass | - | - |
1615 | British Government - Consolidated £3 per Cent. Annuities | 14.01.1795 | £ 175 | - | - |
1616 | Département du Seine - Emprunt Forcé de l'an 4 | 00.00.1795 | 6.000 Livres | - | - |
1617 | England | 13.12.1681 | £ 1.4.1 | - | - |
1618 | Fahraeus en Laurin | 27.07.1793 | 1.000 Gulden | - | - |
1619 | Insurance Company of the State of Pennsylvania | 13.02.1798 | 10 / 20 Shares | - | - |
1620 | North American Land Company | 15.10.1795 | 5 Shares | - | - |
1621 | Plantagie Hofwyk | 01.11.1790 | 1/92stel Anteil | - | - |
1622 | Rente Viagére - Edit de Decembre 1699 | 00.12.1699 | 3.600 Livres | - | - |
1623 | Rente Viagére - Edit de Novembre 1767 | 30.12.1769 | 500 Livres | - | - |
1624 | Rente Viagére - Edit du mois de Juillet 1723 | 10.09.1723 | 1.350 Francs | - | - |
1625 | South Sea Company | 23.03.1718 | £ 3000 | - | - |
1626 | South Sea Company | 18.10.1721 | Dividend Payment | - | - |
1627 | South Sea Company - Lord Binning | 02.02.1721 | £ 3.000 | - | - |
1628 | Stad Leyden | 02.03.1782 | 500 Gulden | - | - |
1629 | Stad Veere | 01.08.1794 | 300 Gulden | - | - |
1630 | Thames and Severn Canal Navigation | 00.00.17__ | Blankett | - | - |
1631 | Triester Handels-Compagnie (Société du Commerce d'Asie & d'Afrique &c.) | 01.10.1781 | 1.000 Gulden | - | - |
1632 | Compagnie des Indes | 16.08.1789 | Passeport | - | - |
1633 | Prima-Wechsel Hamburg | 29.05.1779 | 262,48 Gulden | - | - |
1634 | Stadens Fattighus Sabatsberg | 20.04.1799 | 1 Riksdaler | - | - |
1635 | Sun Fire Office Insurance | 14.01.1800 | Police | - | - |
1636 | Wakefield Bank | 30.07.1800 | £ 20 | - | - |