Ingelsberg 17 b
D- 85604 Zorneding
Deutschland / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-86
Fax: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-88
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
Váš specialista na historické cenné papíry
a historii finančnictví
Číslo |
Titul |
Datum |
Jmenovitá hodnota |
Vyvolávací cenu |
Konečná cena |
202 | Camden and Amboy Rail Road and Transportation Company / Delaware & Raritan Canal Company | 01.06.1832 | 5 Shares | 5 € | 300 € |
203 | Cincinnati & Chicago Rail-Road Company | 01.10.1855 | US-$ 500 | 5 € | 40 € |
204 | Merchants Union Express Co. | 28.09.1867 | 10 x US-$ 100 | 5 € | 45 € |
205 | Newport News and Mississippi Valley Company | 22.10.1887 | 5 x US-$ 100 | 5 € | 110 € |
206 | Ogdensburgh and Lake Champlain Railroad Company | 01.04.1880 | US-$ 500 | 5 € | 45 € |
207 | Pennsylvania Company | 06.10.1874 | 1.000 x US-$ 50 | 5 € | 45 € |
208 | Peoria & Bureau Valley Railroad Company | 09.11.1871 (185_) | 11 x US-$ 100 | 5 € | 15 € |
209 | Plymouth, Kankakee & Pacific Railroad Company | 01.07.1871 | US-$ 1.000 | 5 € | 60 € |