Ingelsberg 17 b
D- 85604 Zorneding
Deutschland / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-86
Fax: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-88
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
Váš specialista na historické cenné papíry
a historii finančnictví
Číslo |
Titul |
Datum |
Jmenovitá hodnota |
Vyvolávací cenu |
Konečná cena |
340 | Australasian Pacific Mail Steam Packet Company | 12.10.1852 | £ 20 | - | - |
341 | Commonwealth of Australia | 01.11.1965 | US-$ 1.000 | - | - |
342 | Commonwealth Oil Corporation, Limited | 16.12.1919 | Inc. Deb. £ 250 | - | - |
343 | Hampton Celebration (W. A.) Limited | 23.03.1920 | 300 x £ 1 | - | - |
344 | North White Feather Gold Mines Limited | 10.04.1924 | 150 x £ 0.5.0 | - | - |
345 | Port Phillip Gold Company, Limited | 13.11.1891 | 100 x £ 0.5.0 | - | - |
346 | Union Bank of Australia, Limited | 00.00.19__ | £ Specimen | - | - |