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Jmenovitá hodnota
Vyvolávací cenu
Konečná cena
28 Accessory Transit Co. (of Nicaragua) 30.11.1855 US-$ 1.000 - -
29 American Express Company 01.03.1866 US-$ 500 - -
30 American Steel Spring Manufacturing Company 27.04.1860 20 x US-$ 50 - -
31 Apple Computer, Inc. 12.12.1995 1 Share - -
32 Brasil Prefeitura do Distrito Federal 31.12.1903 800 Cruzeiros - -
33 California Eastern Extension Railroad Company 01.10.1859 US-$ 1.000 - -
34 Camden & Alexandria Railway Company 02.08.1890 US-$ 100 - -
35 Compagnie de Colonisation Américaine 23.06.1820 1.300 Francs - -
36 Estado de São Paulo / Republic dos Estados Unidos do Brazil 00.04.1905 406 Mark = 500 Francs = £ 19.17.6 - -
37 Estados Unidos Mexicanos / United States of Mexico 01.12.1904 US-$ 500 - -
38 Evangelical Book Society of the Protestant Episcopal Church 01.01.1856 US-$ 25 - -
39 Gettysburg Rail Road Company 23.05.1857 US-$ 500 - -
40 Gouvernement de Honduras 28.02.1869 300 Francs = 60 Piaster = £ 12 - -
41 International Match Corporation 01.11.1927 US-$ 1.000 - -
42 Kentucky Bourbon Company 10.07.1866 US-$ 1.000 - -
43 Lackawanna and Bloomsburg Rail Road Company 01.07.1855 US-$ 1.000 - -
44 Little Rock and Fort Smith Railway 01.01.1875 US-$ 500 - -
45 Memphis and Little Rock Railway Company 03.12.1873 US-$ 1.000 - -
46 Metropolitan Riding Club, Inc. 15.05.1929 1 Share of Preferred Stock - -
47 Mexican Gulf Rail-Way Company 23.05.1840 US-$ 1.000 - -
48 Milwaukee, Manitowoc and Green Bay Rail Raod Company 01.07.1871 US-$ 1.000 - -
49 Minnesota and Pacific Rail Road Company 31.07.1858 US-$ 1.000 - -
50 Montgomery and West Point Rail Road Company 01.06.1867 US-$ 1.000 - -
51 Mount Vernon Rail Road Company 20.04.1859 US-$ 1.000 - -
52 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 11.02.1907 £ 20 = 500 Francs - -
53 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 01.07.1916 £ 10 - -
54 Pittsburg, Titusville and Buffalo Railway Company 01.02.1876 US-$ 100 - -
55 Republic of San Domingo 16.08.1897 £ 100 - -
56 Republic of the United States of Brazil / State of Santa Catharina 26.04.1911 £ 20 = 504 Francs - -
57 Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil - Prefeitura do Districto Federal 31.12.1903 £ 20 - -
58 Selma and Gulf Railroad Company 01.04.1870 US-$ 1.000 - -
59 Stratton’s Independence, Limited 12.05.1911 2.000 x £ 0.2.6 - -
60 Tehuantepec Company 01.11.1853 £ 125 - -
61 Toledo and Wabash Railway Company 01.11.1862 US-$ 1.000 - -
62 Watertown and Madison Railroad Company 01.06.1857 US-$ 1.000 - -
63 Hudson and St. Lawrence Railroad Co. 01.07.1873 US-$ 2.500 - -
64 Iowa Central Air Line Rail Raod Company 01.05.1858 US-$ 1.000 - -
65 Jersey Shore, Pine Creek and Buffalo Railway Company 01.02.1882 US-$ 10.000 - -
66 Mc Gregor Western Railway Company 05.05.1864 US-$ 1.000 - -
67 New York Central and Hudson River Rail Road Company 00.00.18__ Blankett - -
68 Philadelphia, Newtown & New York Rail Road Company 13.06.1873 US-$ 500 - -
69 Transit Rail Road Company 01.10.1858 US-$ 1.000 - -
169 Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road 10.02.1796 1 Share - -
170 Philadelphia and Lancaster Turnpike Road 16.03.1795 1 Share - -
505 Baltimore Insurance Company 19.03.1797 1 Share - -
506 Accessory Transit Co. (of Nicaragua) 09.02.1856 US-$ 5.000 - -
507 Standard Oil Company 10.01.1877 740 x US-$ 100 - -
508 Burlington, Cedar Rapids & Northern Railway Company of Iowa 18.02.1902 40 x US-$ 100 - -
509 Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts 18.05.1809 1 Share - -
510 Lamoille Valley, Montpelier & St Johnsbury & Essex County Rail Road Companies of Vermont Constituting the Vermont Division of the Portland and Ogdensburg Rail Road Line 01.05.1871 US-$ 1.000 - -
511 New Jersey Midland Railway Company 01.08.1870 US-$ 1.000 - -
512 Lake Ontario Shore Railroad Company 01.05.1872 US-$ 100 - -
513 New York & Oswego Midland Railroad Company 01.05.1870 US-$ 500 - -
514 Wallkill Valley Railway Company 01.01.1872 US-$ 1.000 - -
586 Société Franco-Russe de Produits Chimiques & d'Explosifs (Établissements de Kowanko-Barbier) [2 Stück] 27.04.1895 100 Francs - -
838 Bella Raquel Company, Limited 01.07.1847 £ 25 - -
1107 Halifax Sugar Refining Company, Limited 20.11.1884 £ 100 - -
1711 Aerolineas Peruanas S. A. (APSA) 14.12.1964 Pref. Clase A 1.000 Soles Oro - -
1712 Agro Aérea S. A. 26.06.1955 A 1 x 25.000 Soles Oro - -
1713 Agua Fria Gold Mining Company 15.04.1852 5 x £ 1 - -
1714 Air Canada 28.08.2000 1 Share - -
1715 Allentown & Bethlehem Turnpike Company 13.11.1876 20 x US-$ 10 - -
1716 28.10.2002 US-$ 0,01 - -
1717 American Tobacco Company 15.05.1962 10 x $ 6.25 - -
1718 Associated Gold Mines of British Columbia & Guiana Limited 27.08.1913 20 x £ 1 = 20 x 400 Mark = 20 x 500 Pesetas = 20 x 500 Francs - -
1719 Banco Agricola Ganadero 01.03.1924 100 Pesos Oro - -
1720 Banco del Peru y Londres o. D. 100 Libras Peruanas de Oro - -
1721 Banco La Providencia 09.07.1871 400 Soles - -
1722 Banco Territorial y Agricola de Puerto-Rico 25.11.1895 100 Pesos - -
1723 Banque Nationale de Saint-Domingue / Banco Nacional de Santo Domingo 15.10.1889 250 Francs - -
1724 Bath Hotel Company 06.09.1853 US-$ 10 - -
1725 Bay State Tea & Butter Corporation 11.10.1928 2 Shares - -
1726 Bay State Tea & Butter Corporation 11.10.1928 Pref. 10 x US-$ 10 - -
1727 Bedford & Wallner Railroad Co. 01.06.1906 5 x US-$ 100 - -
1728 Bedford and Stoystown Turnpike Road Company 02.01.1819 US-$ 50 - -
1729 Bolivian Government 05.06.1880 £ 100 - -
1730 Bolivian Government 05.06.1880 £ 500 - -
1731 Boston Hartford and Erie Rail Road Company 19.03.1866 US-$ 1.000 - -
1732 Boston Marine Society 12.08.1884 Membership Certificate - -
1733 Buffalo and Lake Erie Traction Company 28.08.1908 3 x US-$ 100 - -
1734 Canadian North Pacific Fisheries 16.07.1912 Ord. 100 x $ 5 - -
1735 Cape May and Millville Rail Road Company 15.01.1864 US-$ 50 - -
1736 Centre Bridge-Company 25.04.1831 2 Shares - -
1737 Centre Turnpike Road 12.06.1821 US-$ 50 - -
1738 Chicago and Northwestern Railway Company 15.05.1926 US-$ 100 - -
1739 Chicago Railways Company 20.01.1914 100 Parts - -
1740 Clifton Forge Banking and Construction Co. 31.07.1891 5 x US-$ 10 - -
1741 Columbia River Longview Bridge Company 29.09.1931 Pref. 2 x US-$ 100 - -
1742 Columbus, Shawnee and Hocking Railway Company 01.01.1890 US-$ 1.000 - -
1743 Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama 29.11.1880 Part de Fondateur - -
1744 Compagnie Universelle du Canal Interocéanique de Panama 01.10.1884 500 Francs - -
1745 Compaña Azucarera de Altamira 00.00.191_ Pref. 1.000 Pesos - -
1746 Companhia Cessionaria das Docas do Porto da Bahia (Compagnie du Port de Bahia) 19.10.1906 500 Francs - -
1747 Companhia Plano Inclinado Pilar da Bahia 05.04.1898 200$000 Reis - -
1748 Compañia Agricola de Te S. A. 08.05.1956 100 x 1.000 Soles Oro - -
1749 Compañia Colonizadora de la Costa Oriental de Yucatán 31.07.1896 100 Pesos - -
1750 Compañia de los Ferro-Carriles de Puerto-Rico / Compagnie des Chemins de fer de Porto-Rico 17.05.1888 500 Pesetas - -
1751 Compañia Industrial de Atlixco 01.06.1907 100 Pesos - -
1752 Compania Nacional del Ferrocarril Mineral de Pasco 02.01.1872 500 Soles - -
1753 Compañia Tunera S. A. 12.11.1951 25 x 1.000 Soles Oro - -
1754 Company for erecting a Permanent Bridge over the River Susquehanna 10.12.1814 US-$ 100 - -
1755 Confederate States of America (Ball 192, Criswell 124) 02.03.1863 US-$ 500 - -
1756 Confederate States of America (Ball 201, Criswell 125) 02.03.1863 US-$ 1.000 - -
1757 Continuous Drawbar Company 09.12.1880 50 x US-$ 100 - -
1758 Cooperativa Militar do Brazil 02.01.1897 20$000 Rs. - -
1759 Cornwall Bridge Company 00.00.189_ Shares á US-$ 100 - -
1760 Eastern Steamship Lines Inc. 17.08.1922 10 Shares - -
1761 Editora Medica Peruana S. A. 30.11.1949 5 x 100 Soles Oro - -
1762 El Faro S. A. 25.07.1951 10 x 1.000 Soles Oro - -
1763 Emmittsburg Rail Road Company 01.01.1874 US-$ 100 - -
1764 Empire du Brésil / Province de Bahia 01.04.1889 500 Francs - -
1765 Empire du Mexique 00.00.1865 500 Francs - -
1766 Empresa del Ferro-Carril de Guantanamo 14.05.1857 10 Acciones - -
1767 Erie & Cleveland Rail Road Pennsylvania Section / Franklin Canal Company 01.02.1851 US-$ 1.000 - -
1768 Essex and Middlesex Turnpike Company 22.01.1872 982 Shares - -
1769 Estados Unidos de Mexico, Estado de Coahuila de Zaragoza 01.04.1900 1.000 Pesos Oro - -
1770 Estados Unidos Mexicanos 01.04.1896 £ 20 = 100 Pesos - -
1771 Estados Unidos Mexicanos 01.04.1895 500 Pesos = £ 100 - -
1772 Estados Unidos Mexicanos 01.04.1896 100 Pesos = £ 20 - -
1773 Estados Unidos Mexicanos 01.04.1896 £ 100 = 500 Pesos - -
1774 Estados Unidos Mexicanos 01.04.1898 £ 200 = 500 Pesos - -
1775 État de l’Amazone - République des États-Unis du Brésil 01.02.1916 250 Francs - -
1776 État de l’Amazone (Estado do Amazonas / State of the Amazon) [6 Stück] 16.07.1906 500 Francs - -
1777 État de Sao-Paulo - Chemins de Fer du Nord de Sao-Paulo 15.03.1911 £ 20 = 504 Francs = 410 Mark - -
1778 Etats-Unis du Brésil 01.10.1931 250 Francs - -
1779 Etats-Unis du Brésil 01.10.1931 1.000 Francs - -
1780 Etats-Unis du Brésil 01.10.1931 250 Francs - -
1781 États-Unis du Brésil 01.10.1931 Cert. Prov. 250 Francs - -
1782 États-Unis du Brésil - Emprunt de Consolidation 5 % 1931 01.10.1934 Frac. 50 Francs - -
1783 États-Unis du Brésil - État de Espirito Santo 13.04.1908 500 Francs - -
1784 États-Unis du Brésil - État de Espirito Santo 24.11.1919 320 Francs - -
1785 États-Unis du Brésil / État de Bahia 01.07.1910 500 Francs - -
1786 États-Unis du Brésil / Etat de Ceara 20.10.1910 500 Francs - -
1787 Etats-Unis du Bresil / Etat de Maranhão 01.01.1911 £ 20 = 500 Francs - -
1788 États-Unis du Brésil / État de Parana 15.02.1913 £ 20 = 505 Francs - -
1789 États-Unis du Brésil / Etat de Parana / State of Parana 01.04.1917 £10 = 252,50 Francs - -
1790 États-Unis du Brésil / Etat de Parana / State of Parana 01.04.1917 £10 = 252,50 Francs - -
1791 Etats-Unis du Bresil / Etat de Pernambuco / United States of Brazil / State of Pernambuco 15.06.1909 £ 20 = 500 Francs - -
1792 État-Unis du Brésil - Etat d'Alacoas [5 Stück] 10.08.1906 500 Francs - -
1793 Exxon Mobil 22.12.2010 1 Share - -
1794 Farmington Canal 06.05.1825 5 x US-$ 12,50 - -
1795 Farmington Canal Company 17.10.1825 5 Shares - -
1796 Galveston, Houston & Henderson R. R. Co. 08.10.1857 US-$ 100 - -
1797 Galveston, Houston & Henderson Rail Road Company ca. 01.12.1853 £ 100 - -
1798 Gilpin Tramway Company 01.03.1889 250 x US-$ 10 - -
1799 Gouvernement de Honduras 28.02.1869 300 Francs = 60 Piaster = £ 12 - -
1800 Gouvernement de Honduras - Chemin der Fer de Porto-Cortes à la Baie de Fonseca 28.02.1869 Action de Jouissance - -
1801 Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil 05.03.1910 500 Francs - -
1802 Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil 26.07.1909 500 Francs - -
1803 Gouvernement des États Unis du Brésil 26.07.1909 500 Francs - -
1804 Gouvernement Fédéral des États-Unis du Brésil 21.09.1911 500 Francs - -
1805 Gouvernement Fédéral des États-Unis du Brésil 21.09.1911 500 Francs - -
1806 Grand Junction Railroad and Depot Company 01.11.1853 US-$ 1.000 - -
1807 Grand Lodge, Ancient Order of United Workmen of Illinois 27.04.1887 US-$ 2.000 - -
1808 Greenwich & Johnsonville Railway Company 01.05.1900 1/4 Share x US-$ 100 - -
1809 Guatemala 5 % British Consolidated Debt 01.09.1865 £ 100 - -
1810 Gulfport and Mississippi Coast Traction Company 13.06.1906 10 x US-$ 100 - -
1811 Harley Davidson Inc. 16.11.1998 1 Share - -
1812 Havana Auto Company" (Sociedad Anónima) 00.00.191_ 100 Pesos - -
1813 Henderson and Overton Branch Railway Company 01.07.1876 US-$ 500 - -
1814 Holly, Wayne and Monroe Railway Company 02.01.1871 US-$ 1.000 - -
1815 Honduras Government 05.08.1909 £ 12 = 300 Francs - -
1816 Houston, Tap and Brazoria Railway Company 06.04.1861 5 x US-$ 100 - -
1817 I. O. S. Ltd. Investors Overseas Services 05.02.1970 1.000x0,25 US-$ - -
1818 Imperial Brazilian 5 Per Cent. Loan of 1886 10.03.1886 Scrip of £ 100 - -
1819 Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion y Fomento de la Agricultura) 02.11.1908 US-$ 500 = 2.100 Mark = 1.240 Gulden = 1.000 Mex. Pesos = £ 102.17.7 = 2.590 Francs - -
1820 Institution for Encouragement of Irrigation Works and Development of Agriculture (Caja de Prestamos para Obras de Irrigacion y Formento de la Agricultura) 02.11.1908 US-$ 1.000 = 4.200 Marks = 2.480 Gulden = 2.000 Mex. Pesos = £ 205.15.2 = 5.180 Francs - -
1821 IPCO Hospital Supply Corporation 06.09.1974 US-$ 5.000 - -
1822 Ironton Rail Road Company 29.11.1865 100 x US-$ 50 - -
1823 King Tobacco Company, Inc. 00.00.194_ Pref. á US-$ 100 - -
1824 La Crosse & Milwaukee Rail Road Company 15.09.1854 US-$ 500 - -
1825 Lewiston Suspension Bridge Company 00.00.18__ Shares á US-$ 100 - -
1826 Lillooet, Fraser River & Cariboo Gold Fields Limited [2 Stück] 07.05.1896/07.07.1896 5 x £ 1 / 10 x £ 1 - -
1827 Lima Locomotive Works, Incorporated 06.04.1945 100 Shares - -
1828 Madeira-Mamoré Railway [3 Stück] 01.09.1922 £ 20 / £ 100 - -
1829 Manaos Harbour Limited [2 Stück] 04.07.1906/02.09.1911 £ 100 - -
1830 Maryland, Delaware and Virginia Railway Company 24.07.1909 Pref. 49 x US-$ 50 - -
1831 McDonald's Corporation 18.10.2002 1 Share - -
1832 McDonnell Douglas Corporation [3 Stück] 01.04.1989 5/25/100 IDRs - -
1833 Menominee Sugar Company 15.06.1955 1 Share - -
1834 Mexican Union Railway Limited 30.05.1910 £ 20 = 503 Francs - -
1835 Middle-Road Turnpike 09.01.1809 1 Share - -
1836 Milford and Owego Turnpike Road Company 05.07.1821 US-$ 25 - -
1837 Mississippi Valley Company 01.05.1872 30 x US-$ 50 - -
1838 Missouri Valley Railroad Company 12.10.1867 3 x US-$ 100 - -
1839 Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company 01.06.1890 US-$ 500 - -
1840 Mitton-Braley Aeroplane Control Co. 17.12.1923 100 x US-$ 1 - -
1841 Mobile, Jackson & Kansas City Railroad Company 09.07.1902(189_) US-$ 100 - -
1842 Montclair and Greenwood Lake Railway Company 08.12.1875 US-$ 100 - -
1843 Montego Bay Racquet Club Limited 23,.01.1963 20 x £ 50 - -
1844 Montrose and Harford Plank Road Company 01.04.1852 US-$ 25 - -
1845 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 01.07.1916 £ 20 - -
1846 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 01.07.1916 £ 10 - -
1847 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 01.07.1919 £ 10 - -
1848 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 15.06.1905 £ 20 = 500 Francs - -
1849 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 15.06.1905 £ 100 = 2.500 Francs - -
1850 Municipality of Pará (Belem) 01.07.1920 £ 0.5.0 - -
1851 National Pisco to Yca Railway Company 01.05.1869 £ 20 = 100 Soles - -
1852 National Pisco to Yca Railway Company 01.05.1869 £ 20 = 100 Soles - -
1853 National Skating Rink Company, Limited 31.03.1898 1/2 Shares á US-$ 800 - -
1854 New Bedford Railroad Company 02.03.1876 25 Shares - -
1855 New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company 11.01.1893 US-$ 5.000 - -
1856 Northern Pacific Railroad Company 15.08.1889 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1857 Northern Pacific Railroad Company 04.02.1884 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1858 Northern Pacific Railroad Company 13.08.1881 Pref. 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1859 Northern Pacific Railroad Company 25.11.1878 Pref. 14 x US-$ 100 - -
1860 Northern Security Oil and Transportation Co. 13.02.1903 2.000 x US-$ 0,10 - -
1861 Ohio Valley Rail Raod Company 01.07.1862 US-$ 1.000 - -
1862 Oil Creek Rail Road Company 14.10.1863 10xUS-$ 50 - -
1863 Olean, Bradford & Warren Rail Road Company 18.11.1878 8 x US-$ 100 - -
1864 Panama Rail Road Co. 10.01.1872 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1865 Paterson Bridge Company 23.12.1919 30 x US-$ 25 - -
1866 Perfection Tire & Rubber Co. 17.11.1919 100 Shares - -
1867 Permisos de Algodon 28.05.1856 100 Quintales - -
1868 Peruanische Firmen mit Chinesischen Namen [4 Stück] - -
1869 Port Huron and Milwaukee Railway Company 01.02.1856 £ 200 - -
1870 Port of Parà 01.01.1907 £ 20 - -
1871 Portsmouth-Nansemond Bridge Corporation 01.10.1927 US-$ 1.000 - -
1872 Poughkeepsie, Hartford & Boston Railroad Company 01.09.1875 US-$ 1.000 - -
1873 Province of Corrientes (Argentine Republic) 15.12.1910 £ 20 = 504 Francs - -
1874 Pueblo and Arkansas Valley Railroad Company 01.10.1878 US-$ 1.000 - -
1875 Queen Anne’s Railroad 09.05.1900 200 x US-$ 50 - -
1876 Queen City Railway Company (of Seattle) 01.07.1889 US-$ 1.000 - -
1877 Rensselaer & Saratoga Rail Road Company 01.07.1862 US-$ 1.000 - -
1878 Republic of Texas (Criswell 40F) 15.06.1840 US-$ 500 - -
1879 República Argentina 19.02.1909 100 Pesos Oro - -
1880 República Argentina 16.06.1911 100 Pesos Oro = 500 Francs - -
1881 Republica de Bolivia 01.01.1870 500 Pesos - -
1882 Republica de Bolivia 01.01.1870 1.000 Pesos - -
1883 Republica de Cuba 21.08.1950/25.06.1952 US-$ 1.000 - -
1884 Republica dos Estados Unidos do Brazil - Apolice da Divida Publica 22.02.1921 1:000$000 Reis - -
1885 República Mexicana 00.00.1910 195 Pesos = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 408 Mark = US-$ 97 - -
1886 República Mexicana 08.06.1913 $ Mex. 195 = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 409 Mark = US-$ 97 = 242 Gulden - -
1887 República Mexicana 08.06.1913 $ Mex. 195 = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 409 Mark = US-$ 97 = 242 Gulden - -
1888 República Mexicana 00.00.1899 £ 100 = 2.040 Mark = 485 US-$ Gold - -
1889 República Mexicana 00.00.1899 £ 100 = 2.040 Mark = 485 US-$ Gold - -
1890 República Mexicana 00.00.1899 £ 20 = 408 Mark = 97 US-$ Gold - -
1891 República Mexicana 00.00.1899 £ 200 = 4.080 Mark = 970 US-$ Gold - -
1892 República Mexicana 31.12.1885 25 Pesos = £ 5 - -
1893 República Mexicana 31.12.1885 100 Pesos = £ 20 - -
1894 Republica Mexicana - H. Ciudad de Veracruz 01.01.1907 500 Pesos - -
1895 Republica Mexicana - Puebla de Zaragoza [5 Stück] 01.07.1907 100/500/1.000 Pesos - -
1896 República Mexicana [2 Stück] 31.12.1885 25 Pesos = £ 5 / 100 Pesos = £ 20 - -
1897 República Mexicana [3 Stück] 31.12.1885 50 Pesos = £ 10 - -
1898 República Mexicana [4 Stück] 00.00.1910 195 Pesos = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 408 Mark = US-$ 97 - -
1899 República Peruana 15.09.1894 100 Soles - -
1900 Republique Argentine - Province de Mendoza 16.11.1909 100 Pesos Oro = 500 Francs - -
1901 République Orientale de l'Uruguay 20.02.1906 500 Francs = 93,25 Uruguayan Dollars = £ 19.16.10 - -
1902 Richmond and Miami Railway Company 24.07.1877 20 x US-$ 50 - -
1903 Robbstown and Mountpleasant Turnpike Road 09.11.1826 1 Share - -
1904 Rochester, New York & Pennsylvania Railroad Company 14.02.1881 400 Shares - -
1905 Rome Turnpike Company 00.00.18__ Shares á US-$ 25 - -
1906 Roosevelt Oil Company 24.05.1906 100xUS-$ 1 - -
1907 Rose Tea Company 17.07.1920 Pref. 10 x US-$ 10 - -
1908 Sandusky & Columbus Short Line Railway Company 31.10.1891 US-$ 1.000 - -
1909 Schuylkill and Lehigh Valley Railroad Company 10.11.1890 95 Shares - -
1910 Seaboard Air Line Railway 00.00.19__ US-$ 1.000 - -
1911 Seaboard-Bay Line Company 01.03.1922 US-$ 100.000 - -
1912 Selah Valley Company 27.10.1897 US-$ 400 - -
1913 Sioplast International Corporation 15.12.2004 1.000 x US-$ 0,001 - -
1914 Sociedad Anónima Quebrachales Paraguayos 24.07.1911 5 Pesos Oro Sellado - -
1915 Sociedade Commercio da Bahia com Funcçoens Mercantis e Hypothecarias na Provincia da Bahia 01.09.1860 100$000 Reis - -
1916 Southern Pacific Rail Road Company 16.08.1870 20 x US-$ 100 - -
1917 St. Augustine-Green Cove Springs Bridge Company 01.12.1927 2 Shares - -
1918 St. Louis and Iron Mountain Rail Road Company - Arkansas Branch 29.03.1872 64 x US-$ 100 - -
1919 St. Louis, Alton and Terre Haute Railroad Company [6 Stück] 00.00.188_ 100 Shares - -
1920 St. Louis, Kansas City and Northern Railway Company 01.08.1879 US-$ 1.000 - -
1921 St. Louis, Lawrence and Denver Rail Road Company of the State of Kansas 01.05.1871 US-$ 1.000 - -
1922 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. 30.11.2010 1 Share - -
1923 State Line and Indiana City Railway Company 15.10.1895 1 x US-$ 100 - -
1924 State of Arkansas / Mississippi, Quachita and Red River Rail Road Co. 01.04.1870 US-$ 1.000 - -
1925 State of Bahia o. D. £ 0.1.1 - -
1926 State of Bahia - South Western Railway Company 16.05.1929 £ 10 - -
1927 State of Rio de Janeiro United Telephone Company, Limited 18.05.1903 20 x £ 1 - -
1928 Tealeros Asociados S. A. 01.08.1952 50 x 500 Soles Oro - -
1929 Tehuantepec Company 01.11.1853 £ 125 - -
1930 Tesoreria Nacional de Puerto Rico 04.05.1813 25 Pesos - -
1931 Tiffany & Co. 10.03.2000 1 Share - -
1932 Touring y Automovil Club del Peru 17.08.1955 2.000 Soles Oro - -
1933 United States Treasury 00.00.194_ Blankett - -
1934 US-Eisenbahnen [18 Stück] - -
1935 Vera Cruz and Pacific Railroad Company 01.07.1904 US-$ 1.000 - -
1936 Ville de Bahia 28.01.1913 500 Francs - -
1937 Ville de Bahia (États-Unis du Brésil) 15.03.1906 500 Francs - -
1938 Walt Disney Company / Walt Disney Productions [2 Stück] 05.10.1992 - -
1939 Washington Lodge, No. 156, F. and A. M. 00.00.1899 $ 10 - -
1940 Wilmington and Reading Rail Road Company 18.03.1870 US-$ 1.000 - -
1941 Yellowstone Park Association 00.00.19__ US-$ 100 - -
1942 Art Collection Edward M. M. Warburg 13.07.1964 - -
1943 Butterworth-Judson Corporation 25.04.1919 100 Shares of Common Stock - -
1944 Central Fuel Oil Company 02.11.1911 10 x US-$ 100 - -
1945 Cumberland Corporation 04.06.1914 50 x US-$ 100 - -
1946 F. M. Lupton, Publisher, Incorporated 06.03.1923 76 A-Shares - -
1947 F. M. Lupton, Publisher, Incorporated 06.03.1923 100 A-Shares - -
1948 Gaston, Williams & Wigmore, Inc. 27.10.1916 100 Shares - -
1949 Laclede Construction Company 21.06.1899 1.206,60 x US-$ 100 - -
1950 Liberty Dairy Products Corporation 02.05.1931 100 Shares - -
1951 Metropolitan Riding Club, Inc. 15.05.1929 1 Share of Common Stock - -
1952 American Merchants Union Express Company 31.12.1868 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1953 Homestake Mining Company 29.10.1881 5.000 x US-$ 100 - -
1954 Hudson and St. Lawrence Railroad Co. 01.01.1873 US-$ 1.000 - -
1955 Lackawanna Rail Road Company 01.01.1855 US-$ 500 - -
1956 Moulton Mining Company 11.11.1881 100 x US-$ 25 - -
1957 Pennsylvania Company 01.07.1873 50 x US-$ 50 - -
1958 United Copper Company 02.02.1910 100 x US-$ 100 - -
1960 Automobil International [30 Stück] - -
1980 International [27 Stück] - -
1981 International [4 Stück] - -
1984 International [8 Stück] - -
1987 Öl International [17 Stück] - -
1989 República Mexicana [2 Stück] 00.00.1899 £ 20 = 408 Mark = 97 US-$ Gold - -
1990 República Mexicana [3 Stück] 00.00.1899 £ 100 = 2.040 Mark = 485 US-$ Gold - -
1991 República Mexicana [9 Stück] 00.00.1899 £ 20 = 408 Mark = 97 US-$ Gold - -
1994 USA [23 Stück] - -
1995 US-Bahnen [10 Stück] - -
1996 US-Eisenbahnen [10 Stück] - -
1997 US-Ölwerte - Bonds [59 Stück] - -
1998 US-Ölwerte [19 Stück] - -
1999 US-Ölwerte [21 Stück] - -
2000 US-Ölwerte [25 Stück] - -