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Jardim Zoologico e d'Acclimacao em Portugal (Zoo Lissabon)
Lissabon, Lisbon, Lisboa
Lissabon, 15.05.1884, Gründeraktie, Primeira Serie Titulo de 5 Acçoes, #1534-8, 35,6 x 31,7 cm, gelb, schwarz, Knickfalten, Randeinrisse (einer bis 2 cm), Erhaltung VF, Schmitz/Metzger 29.2. Rarität! R9.
Descrizione (Inglese)
Lisbon, 15 May 1884, Founder’s Share, Primeira Serie Titulo de 5 Acçoes, #1534-8, 35.6 x 31.7 cm, yellow, black, folds, tears (one up to 2 cm), condition VF, Schmitz/Metzger 29.3. Rarity! R9.
Jardim Zoologico e d'Acclimacao em Portugal (Zoo Lissabon)
Storia (Tedesco)
Die ersten Versuche zur Gründung eines Zoos in Portugal gehen auf den niederländischen Arzt Van Der Laan zurück. 1883 lud ein öffentlicher Gründungsausschuss zu einer konstituierenden Sitzung ein. Dabei sagte König Ludwig I. von Portugal seine Unterstützung zu. Prinz Ferdinand von Sachsen-Coburg wird Ehrenpräsident der Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Am 28.05.1884 wurde der Zoologische Garten bereits eröffnet. Die Aktien aus der zweiten Emission dienten 1904/05 dazu, den Umzug des Gartens in die Quinta das Laranjeiras zu finanzieren. Das Papier wurde von Anselmo Anturne de Carvalho (1860 – 1897), einem der renommiertesten portugiesischen Drucker und Graveure des 19. Jahrhunderts, entworfen.
Storia (Inglese)
Zoos came late to southern Europe. In 1883, a group of interested citizens of Lisbon organised the founding of the first zoo on the Iberian Peninsula, gaining the enthusiastic support of King Luis. The principal founder’s were Peter van der Lan, a well-known optician and scientist from Holland, and Dr. Sousa Marins, a medical doctor from Lisbon. They formed a company, the Jardim Zoologico e d’Acc1imação em Portugal, and raised the necessary capital by selling shares. The king and his father Don Fernando bought sizable holdings, and became honorary presidents of the company. Building was completed in 1884, and the zoo opened for the public in the same year, in the first of its three locations: the São Sebastião da Pedreira Park, on the edge of the city. The opening ceremonies, in the pre­sence of the royal family, were a great success, as was the zoo itself. However, the novelty wore off and the financial situation deteriorated. By 1893 the zoo could no longer pay the rent for the property. It moved to the Palhava Park, but this did not improve the financial situation. A capital increase created by the issuing of new shares was not sufficient to stop the zoo’s decline. The poor condition of the zoo and the decreasing number of animals was paralleled by the dwindling clientele. An opportunity for revival came in 1904, when the zoo moved to its present location, the Quinta das Laranjeiras. This site was larger than the previous one and allowed more opportunities. Further sales of shares subsidised this improvement and the number of visitors rose again. The city of Lisbon gave financial support, and the zoo’s future seemed secure. In 1962, the company bought further land to house its growing collections. The city decided to withdraw its support in the 1970’s, and by the late 1980’s the zoo was bankrupt. The early 1990’s brought new support as well as a necessary renovation program, which improved conditions for the animals. It now compares well with other European zoos. At some point the original company was dissolved, and a new company, the Jardim Zoologico e de Acc1imação em Portugal, S.A., was formed to acquire the zoo. (Source: Schmitz/Metzer, Zoologische Gärten als Kapitalgesellschaften)
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