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Société du Jardin Zoologique d'Acclimatation
Paris, 01.01.1927 überschrieben mit 01.07.1927, Action Ordinaire de 125 Francs, #29109, 32 x 26,3 cm, blau, hellrosa, Knickfalte längs, KR, Schmitz/Metzger #38.13.
Descrizione (Inglese)
Paris, 1 Janaury 1927 overwritten with 1 July 1927, Action Ordinaire de 125 Francs, #29109, 32 x 26.3 cm, blue, rose, KR, Schmitz/Metzger #38.13.
Société du Jardin Zoologique d'Acclimatation
Storia (Tedesco)
Auf Veranlassung von Ludwig XII wurde 1635 der Jardin Zoologique zur Anpflanzung von Medizinalkräutern gegründet. Später entstand durch die Annahme der Tiere der einstigen Verseiller Menagerie ein Tierpark. 1854 initiierte Isodore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire , ein bekannter Zoologe seiner Zeit, mit einigen Pariser Bürgern die Gründung einer Zoologischen Gesellschaft. Am 01.04.1859 konstituierte sich die Gesellschaft mit einem Kapital von einer Million Francs. Im Oktober 1860 wurde der Tierpark eröffnet.
Storia (Inglese)
In 1635 the Jardin Zoologique D'Acclimatation Du Bois De Boulogne was buHt in order to cultivate herbs, at the re• quest of King Luis XIII. In 1790, during the French Revolution, the new government took over the plantation and four years later place retitled it the Musee d'Histoire Naturelle. With the acquisition some wild animals from the Menagerie of Versaille it too became a Menagerie. In 1854 the famous zoologist Isodore Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire and other weil known citizens of Paris initiated the foun¬dation of a Zoological Society, for the collection and domestication of foreign animals. It's was modeled on the Zoological Society of London, founded 20 years before. The Society was changed into a joint stock company with an origin capitaliz¬ation of 1 Million Francs on April 1st, 1859. The park was built on an area of 55,57 acres and on October 8th, 1860 the Jardin d'Acclimatation in the Bois de Boulogne, opened. The members included Emperor Napoleon III. thirteen princes, and many aristocrats and decorated officers. The garden, cages, and houses were magnificent. In the Summer of 1870, during the Franco Prussian war, the German army were steadily advancing on Paris. The directory of the park decided to distribute the animals to parks outside of Paris. But before the animals could be brought to safer havens, a blockade was in place. The winter began, the Prussian army laid siege to Paris, and as famine threatened, many of the animals from the Jardin d' Acclimatation and Jardin des Plantes were slaughtered. A field hospital was then erect¬ed on the grounds of the Jardin Zoologique d' Acclimatation. Since the last century the character of the park has changed. The bulk of the animal population consists of peacocks, ducks, doves, deer and other domestic species, accentuating the national character of the garden. Source: Schmitz/Metzger: Zoologische Gärten als Kapitalgesellschaften.
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