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HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
Ваш специалист в области антикварных
ценных бумаг и истории финансов
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Лот |
632 | |||
Наименование |
Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap Natura Artis Magistra | |||
Место/-а выдачи |
Amsterdam | |||
Страна |
Niederlande | |||
Регион |
Europa | |||
Описание |
Amsterdam, 15.01.1853, Blankett eines Recepis über 500 Gulden, o. Nr., 18,5 x 23,7 cm, schwarz, weiß, leichte Knickfalte quer, sonst EF, Druck auf Büttenpapier, absolute Rarität, Schmitz/Metzger #2.4, laut Schmitz/Metzger weniger als 5 Exemplare bekannt! Mit dem vorliegenden Recepis wurde die Teilzahlung von 500 Gulden für eine auszugebende Anleihe quittiert. Ausgestellte Anleihen sind bisher unbekannt. R10! | |||
Описание (Английский) |
Amsterdam, 15 January 1853, unissued certificate of a Recepis for 500 Guilders, o. Nr., 18.5 x 23.7 cm, black, white, minimal horizontal fold, otherwise EF, printed on handmade paper, a rarity, Schmitz/Metzger #2.4, according to Schmitz/Metzger there are less than 5 copies known of this issue! With the offered Recepis the first payment of 500 Guilders for a bond was confirmed. We have never seen an issued bond. R10! | |||
Сохранность |
EF | |||
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История (немецкий) |
Der Zoo Amsterdam war einer der ersten Zoos in Europa. Geistiger Vater des „Artis“ war der Buchhändler und Taubenzüchter Gerardus Frederik Westermann. Er gründete 1838 eine zoologische Gesellschaft mit dem Leitsatz Natura Artis Magistra - Die Natur ist Lehrmeister der Kunst. Der Zoo wurde während seines Bestehens von Bränden und Kriegsschäden verschont, so dass viele alte Anlagen heute noch erhalten sind. | |||
История (английский) |
After the foundation of the Zoological Garden of London in 1828, the Koninklijk Zoologisch Genootschap Natura Artis Magistra of Amsterdam was the first zoo that was built on the old continent. A founder of the „Artis“ was bookseller Gerardus Frederik Westermann (1807-1890), who initiated together with two other citizens of Amsterdam, J.W.H. Werlemann and J.J. Wijsmuller, the founding of a zoological society called „Natura Artis Magistrata“ (nature is the teacher of art). The Founders intention was to present the beauty of nature to the public. Located in a former marshland at the Plantage Middenlaan at the East Side of the center of Amsterdam, the park had by 1877 reached its final size of 24.7 acres. On May 1, 1838 the citizens of Amsterdam could visit the zoo for the first time. The number of animals grew quickly due to the purchase of a collection of exotic animals from Cornelius van Aken, a menagerie-owner, which included elephants, lions, panthers, tigers, etc. Another source of livestock were sailors, who often collected and transported animals to be sold in Europe. During its 150 year history the zoo was never damaged by fire or war bombings, and a lot of the initial facilities are still in existence. The architecture of the oldest zoo of the continent set a standard for the zoos that followed. (Source: Schmitz/Metzger, Zoologische Gärten als Kapitalgesellschaften) | |||
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