Ingelsberg 17 b
D- 85604 Zorneding
Deutschland / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-86
Fax: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-88
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
Votre spécialiste en titres de collection et
en histoire de la finance
Lot nº |
Titre |
Date |
Valeur nominale |
Prix de départ |
Prix de vente |
69 | Bodie Bluff Consolidation Mining Co. | 00.00.1863 | Blankett | - | - |
70 | De Forest Phonofilm Corporation | 10.04.1925 | 10 Shares | - | - |
71 | Edison Phonograph Works | 13.07.1923 | 4 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
72 | Erie Railway Company | 06.01.1870 | Notiz | - | - |
73 | Hudson River Railroad Company | 15.04.1869 | Dividendenliste | - | - |
74 | John D. Rockefeller | 18.06.1924 | Brief | - | - |
75 | Manhattan Company | 25.04.1827 | US-$ 300 | - | - |
76 | New Jersey Junction Railroad Company | 30.06.1886 | US-$ 1.000 | - | - |
77 | Scandinavian National Bank | 15.05.1872 | 10 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
78 | Staten Island Railroad Company | 19.12.1864 | Annual Report | - | - |
79 | Wagner Palace Car Company | 05.11.1890 | 190 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
624 | New York and Harlem Rail Road Company | 20.05.1868 | 500 Pref. (1848) x US-$ 50 | - | - |
625 | Republica de Cuba - Fidel Castro | 07.07.1959 | - | - | |
626 | Flamingo Films, Inc. | 15.06.1933 | 1 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2009 | American Merchants Union Express Company | 24.12.1868 | 100 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2010 | American Merchants Union Express Company | 28.01.1869 | 100 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2011 | Aviation Corporation of the Americas | 14.08.1928 | 100 Shares | - | - |
2012 | Buick Oil Company | 20.03.1912 | 400 x US-$ 1 | - | - |
2013 | East Boston Dry Dock Company | 17.10.1853 | 7 x US-$ 50 | - | - |
2014 | Erie Railway Company | 04.10.1871 | Notiz | - | - |
2015 | Hudson & Berkshire Rail-Road Co. | 15.09.1848 | US-$ 1.000 | - | - |
2016 | Merchants Despatch Transportation Co. | 13.07.1871 | 50 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2017 | Michigan Central Rail Road Company | 01.09.1881 | US-$ 1.000 | - | - |
2018 | Michigan Central Rail Road Company | 01.09.1881 | US-$ 5.000 | - | - |
2019 | Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company | 01.01.1873 | 10xUS-$ 100 | - | - |
2020 | Mississippi and Missouri Rail Road Company | 03.10.1859 | 68 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2021 | Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company | 12.10.1880 | 100 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2022 | Missouri, Kansas and Texas Railway Company | 27.01.1880 | 100 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2023 | Peter Cooper | 02.02.1841 | Brief | - | - |
2024 | Pittsburgh, McKeesport & Youghiogheny Railroad Company | 03.07.1883 | Guar. 100 x US-$ 50 | - | - |
2025 | Pullman's Palace Car Company | 05.05.1881 | 100 x US-$ 100 | - | - |
2026 | St. Croix and Lake Superior Mineral Company | 20.08.1845 | 1 Share (1/1.200) | - | - |
2027 | Union Transportation Line, between New-York and Philadelphia | 02.02.1841 | Quittung | - | - |
2028 | Vermont Central Railroad Company | 01.06.1850 | US-$ 100 | - | - |