Lot nº |
Titre |
Date |
Valeur nominale |
Prix de départ |
Prix de vente |
1 |
5% Kaiserlich Chinesische Tientsin-Pukow-Staatseisenbahn-Anleihe (Kuhlmann 172) |
01.04.1908 |
£ 20 |
2 |
A. P. B. Investment Company Limited |
30.06.1946 |
Pref. 25 x £P. 10 |
3 |
Akita Forestry Company |
00.00.1943 |
1.000 Yen |
4 |
Akita Forestry Company |
00.00.1943 |
5.000 Yen |
5 |
American Israeli Papier Mills Limited |
26.07.1972 |
50 American Shares |
6 |
Arida Brothers Corporation Société Anonyme |
22.05.1935 |
L. L. S. 25.00 |
7 |
Arrah-Sasaram Light Railway Co. Ld. |
05.07.1910 |
5 x 100 Rupees |
8 |
Asia Realty Company of Shanghai |
01.10.1930 |
1.000 Tls. |
9 |
Associated Tea Estates of Ceylon, Ltd. |
21.11.1919 |
10 |
Assur Veerjee Mills, Limited |
27.03.1920 |
100 Rupees |
11 |
Ballarpur Paper & Straw Board Mills Ltd. |
01.02.1949 |
Pref. 100 Rupees |
12 |
Bank der Tempelgesellschaft / Bank of the Temple Society Limited |
06.07.1936 |
1 x £ Eg. 5 |
13 |
Bank Leumi Le-Israel B.M. |
ca. 1965 |
100 Israel Shequels |
14 |
Bank of China |
00.00.1942 |
500 Yuan |
15 |
Bank Zerubabel Aguda Shetufit Mercazit Limited - Central Institution of the Palestine Cooperative Movement |
00.00.1948 |
5 Palest. Pounds |
16 |
Bank Zerubabel Aguda Shetufit Mercazit Ltd. - Central Institution of the Palestine Credit Cooperative Movement |
5 Palest. Pounds |
17 |
Banque de Cochinchine |
07.04.1908 |
250 Francs |
18 |
Banque de Cochinchine |
ca. 1908 |
Part de Fondateur |
19 |
Banque Franco-Chinoise pour le Commerce & l’Industrie |
15.11.1938 |
Prio. 500 Francs |
20 |
Bengal Rhea Syndicate, Limited |
05.11.1902 |
10 x 100 Rupees |
21 |
Bintan Rubber Estate, Limited |
14.02.1928 |
£200 |
22 |
British Rubber Estates of Java, Limited |
18.04.1928 |
120 x £ 0.2.0 |
23 |
Burmah Oil Company Limited |
04.12.1969 |
£ 217 |
24 |
C. Itoh & Co., Ltd. (Itochu Shoji Kabushiki Kaisha) |
16.12.1969 |
US-$ 1.000 |
25 |
Canon Inc. (Canon Kabushiki Kaisha) |
00.06.1982 |
1.000 DM |
26 |
Cathay Pacific Airways Limited |
27.03.1997 |
1 x HK-$ 0,20 |
27 |
Central India Tobacco Company, Limited |
00.00.193_ |
Ord. Á 25 Rupees |
28 |
Central Provinces Manganese Ore Company Limited |
22.03.1974 |
Ord. 400 x 12,5 Pence |
29 |
Ceylon (Bibile) Rubber Estates Limited |
08.12.1927 |
500 x 2 Shilling |
30 |
Ceylon Consolidated Estates, Limited |
01.07.1929 |
30 x 1/- |
31 |
Ceylon Hemp and Produce Company, Limited |
21.02.1925 |
500 x 10 Rupees |
32 |
Ceylon Tea Plantations Company, Limited |
00.00.19__ |
Specimen |
33 |
Ceylon Tea Plantations Company, Limited |
00.00.190_ |
Specimen |
34 |
Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China [3 Stück] |
1907-1908 |
Dividend-Warrant |
35 |
Chinese Engineering and Mining Company Limited |
15.10.1912 |
5 x £ 1 |
36 |
Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 303) |
21.05.1913 |
409 Mark = £20 = 505 Francs = 189,40 Rubel = 195,92 Yen |
37 |
Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 304) |
21.05.1913 |
2.045 Mark = £ 100= 2.525 Francs = 947 Rubel = 979,60 Yen |
38 |
Chinese Government (Shanghai-Hangchow-Ningpo Railway Completion Loan, Kuhlmann 900) |
00.00.1936 |
£ 50 |
39 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 700 C) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 5 |
40 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 700 D) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 5 |
41 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 700 F) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 5 |
42 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 700 G) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 5 |
43 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 701 D) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 10 |
44 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 701 E) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 10 |
45 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 701 E) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 10 |
46 |
Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 702 I) |
30.09.1925 |
£ 50 |
47 |
Chinese Imperial Government (Honan Railway, Kuhlmann 145) |
05.10.1905 |
£ 100 |
48 |
Chinese Imperial Government / Kaiserlich Chinesische 4,5 % Staatsanleihe (Kuhlmann 81, 83) [2 Stück] |
01.03.1898 |
£ 25 / 50 |
49 |
Chinese Imperial Government / Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe (Kuhlmann 61 CN) |
01.04.1896 |
£ 25 |
50 |
Chinese Imperial Government / Kaiserlich Chinesische Staatsanleihe (Kuhlmann 85 CN) [5 Stück] |
01.03.1898 |
£ 100 |
51 |
Chinese Imperial Railway (Canton-Kowloon Railway, Kuhlmann 160) |
02.12.1907 |
£ 100 |
52 |
Chinese Imperial Railway Gold Loan (Imperial Railways of North China, Kuhlmann 90) |
01.07.1899 |
£ 100 |
53 |
Colonization Society of India, Limited |
01.01.1938 |
100 Rupees |
54 |
Compagnie Francaise des Chemins de Fer de l’Indo-Chine & du Yunnan |
05.11.1901 |
500 Francs |
55 |
Compagnie Générale de Chemins de Fer et de Tramways en Chine Société Anonyme |
01.06.1920 |
250 Francs |
56 |
Compagnie Generale des Philippines pour le developpement du Commerce et de l'Industrie |
01.07.1899 |
Action Ordinaire |
57 |
Compagnie Générale d'Omnibus et d'Autobus de Constantinople |
15.06.1910 |
Ltq. 5 |
58 |
Consolidated Mines, Inc. |
07.09.1936 |
10.000 x 1 Centavo |
59 |
Crédit Foncier Chinois Société Anonyme |
15.05.1910 |
Part Béneficiaire |
60 |
De Geconsolideerde Peninsular Koper Maatschappij |
29.01.1891 |
5 x 240 Gulden |
61 |
Delhi Cotton Mills Company, Limited |
17.01.1895 |
250 Rupees |
62 |
Deutsch-Asiatische Bank |
30.01.1900 |
1.000 Shanghai-Taels |
63 |
Dienfa Limited |
06.09.1947 |
Ord. 538 x 10 Rs. |
64 |
Dienfa Motors Limited |
10.06.1948 |
28 x 10 Rs. |
65 |
East India Irrigation & Canal Company |
28.08.1860 |
£20 |
66 |
Exchange Bank of India & Africa, Limited |
29.04.1943 |
Pref. 5 x 100 Rupees |
67 |
Foreign Trade Bank Limited |
00.00.19__ |
Ord. 10 I. L. |
68 |
Fou Fong Flour Mill |
01.12.1943 |
100 Yuan |
69 |
09.09.1946 |
5 Paletine Pound |
70 |
Fukien Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong |
71 |
Fukien Chamber of Commerce Hong Kong |
72 |
Gouvernement de la République Chinoise - Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai (Kuhlmann 680) |
00.00.1925 |
500 Francs |
73 |
Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise (Kuhlmann 260 TE) |
08.01.1912 |
£ 9 |
74 |
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine |
25.04.1907 |
500 Francs |
75 |
Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Kuhlmann 55 CN) |
00.00.1895 |
500 Francs = 404 Mark = £19.15.6 = 239 Gulden = 125 Rubel Gold |
76 |
Gouvernement Impérial du Japon |
15.05.1910 |
500 Francs |
77 |
Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman / Imperial Ottoman Government |
28.08.1319/10.09.1903 |
Ltq. 22 = £ 20 = 500 Francs |
78 |
Government of India - India Four per Cent. Stock |
24.12.1873 |
£ 4.296 |
79 |
Government of Palestine |
15.05.1945 |
L. P. 10 |
80 |
Haboneh (Anglo-Palestine Building Company) Limited |
05.07.1921 |
10 x £ 1 |
81 |
Halvaah Vehisachon Cooperative Society Ltd. |
25.09.1930 |
L. P. 5 |
82 |
Hindostan (Singhbhoom) Copper Company |
07.01.1862 |
£5 |
83 |
Hitachi Ltd. (Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho) |
o. D. |
10 Depositary Receipts |
84 |
Hitachi Ltd. (Kabushiki Kaisha Hitachi Seisakusho) |
o. D. |
100 Depositary Receipts |
85 |
Ho Hong Bank, LTD. |
24.10.1940 |
$ 400.000 |
86 |
Hong Kong Jewellers' and Goldsmiths' Association, Limited |
87 |
Hong Kong: Membership Certificate |
88 |
Hongkong - Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation [2 Stück] |
30.01.1888 |
£ 108.17.10 |
89 |
Hongkong Land Company Limited |
ca. 1983 |
ADR-Specimen |
90 |
Imperial Chinese Government (Hukuang Railways, Kuhlmann 231) |
15.06.1911 |
£ 20 |
91 |
Imperial Chinese Government (Hukuang Railways, Kuhlmann 235) |
15.06.1911 |
£ 100 |
92 |
Imperial Chinese Government (Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan, Kuhlmann 200) |
01.06.1911 |
£ 100 |
93 |
Imperial Chinese Government (Tientsin-Pukow Railway, Kuhlmann 170 A) |
01.09.1908 |
£ 100 |
94 |
India General Navigation & Railway Company Limited |
26.08.1915 |
500 Rs. |
95 |
Indian Iron and Steel Company |
14.04.1937 |
£50 |
96 |
Indian Iron and Steel Company |
14.04.1937 |
£100 |
97 |
Investment Company of Export Bank Limited |
02.02.1964 |
Ord. 50 x 10 £ Israel. |
98 |
Iraq Government |
20.08.1969 |
10 Dinars |
99 |
Istanbul Esnaf Bankasi |
00.00.1925 |
5 Türkisch Lira |
100 |
J. Chakraverti Bros., Ltd. |
21.09.1948 |
10x10 Rupees |
101 |
Java Hevea Rubber and Tobacco Estates Limited |
13.11.1912 |
50 x £ 0.2.0 |
102 |
Jerusalem Electric & Public Service Corporation Limited |
24.11.1937 |
Ord. 50 x L.P. 1 |
103 |
Jewish Colonial Trust (Jüdische Colonialbank) Limited |
571 |
Ord. 5 x £ 10 |
104 |
Jind Industrials Limited |
01.11.1938 |
100x10 Rupees |
105 |
Kaiserlich Ottomanische Anleihe / Gouvernement Impérial Ottoman |
17.04.1905 |
Ltq. 22 = 408 Mark = 500 Francs = £ 22= 240 Gulden |
106 |
Kaiserlich Ottomanische Regierung |
14.05.1896 |
L. T. 22 = £ 20 = 405 Mark = 500 Francs |
107 |
Karnatak Industrial & Plywood Co., Ltd |
15.03.1945 |
Ord. 50 x 10 Rupees |
108 |
Kay Yew (Kinta Valley) Tin Mines Limited |
29.11.1927 |
100 x 5 Shillings |
109 |
Khasia Sillimanite Company, Limited |
18.11.1929 |
1.000x10 Rupees |
110 |
Kokine Land Development, Co. Ltd. |
19.09.1921 |
1.000 Rupees |
111 |
Komatsu Ltd. (Kabushiki Kaisha Komatsu Seisakusho) |
02.07.1975 |
US-$ 1.000 |
112 |
Königreich Siam |
o. D. |
100 Baht |
113 |
Koninklijke Nederlandsche Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Petroleumbronnen in Nederlandsch-Indie (Royal Dutch Company for the Working of Petroleum Wells in Netherlands India) |
00.07.1924 |
100 Gulden |
114 |
Korea Development Bank |
00.03.1983 |
10.000 DM |
115 |
Kuala Lumpur-Kepong Amalgamated Limited |
25.03.1964 |
50 x 2/- |
116 |
Kupat Am Bank Limited |
08.??.1956 |
4 x IL. 5 |
117 |
Kupat Ashrai (Shel Haredei Polania Beeretz Israel) |
o. D. |
Pal. £ 3 |
118 |
Kursiong & Darjeeling Tea Company, Limited |
13.04.1897 |
5 x 50 Rupees |
119 |
Kurwai Motor Transport Company Ltd. |
00.00.19__ |
Shares of 10 Rs. |
120 |
Loengoer (Java) Rubber Limited |
09.09.1925 |
1.000 x 2/- |
121 |
Long-Term Credit Bank of Japan Finance N. V. |
27.07.1977 |
US-$ 1.000 |
122 |
Lun Tai Mutual Fire & Marine Insurance Co. Ld. |
30.05.1932 |
40 x $ 25 |
123 |
Madras Electric Supply Corporation, Limited |
23.11.1910 |
20 Options |
124 |
Madras Presidency Kallikote Raj Sterling Loan 1935 |
17.12.1935 |
£ 100 |
125 |
Madras Railway Company |
05.12.1853 |
£ 20 |
126 |
Malayalam Rubber & Produce Company, Limited |
28.07.1920 |
£ 12.10.0 |
127 |
Manila Railway Company (1906) Limited |
10.05.1907 |
£100 |
128 |
Martin Burn Limited |
13.05.1968 |
10x10 Rupees |
129 |
Mei Feng Bank of Szechuen |
00.00.1947 |
10 x 1.000 Yuan |
130 |
Meigo Steel Corporation |
00.00.1941 |
10 x 50 Yen |
131 |
Ministre des Finances de l'Empire Ottoman 1888 |
00.00.1888 |
1 Livres Turques 10 Kurüş |
132 |
Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. |
00.02.1986 |
10.000 DM |
133 |
Mizrahi Bank Ltd. |
02.11.1924 |
Ord. 1 x L. Eg. |
134 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap "Indische Handels Compagnie" |
00.10.1918 |
1.000 Gulden |
135 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap "Sanatorium Tosari" |
15.11.1918 |
500 Gulden |
136 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Algemeene Nederlandsch-Indische Thee-Cultuur Maatschappij |
00.05.1911 |
1.000 Gulden |
137 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Assam Thee-Onderneming "Siti-Ardja" |
20.12.1920 |
500 Gulden |
138 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Bagelen Thee- en Kina Maatschappij |
01.05.1934 |
400 Gulden |
139 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Banjoewangi Thee en Rubber Cultuur-Maatschappij |
00.08.1911/00.05.1953 |
1.000 Gulden |
140 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Exploratie- en Exploitatie-Maatschappij "Songkong" |
ca. 1900 |
A 100 Gulden |
141 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Indische Land- en Boschbouw-Maatschappij |
29.11.1912 |
Winstbewijs |
142 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Maatschappij Hotel des Indes |
01.07.1937 |
500 Gulden |
143 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap N.V. Assam Thee-Onderneming "Dinewatie" |
00.12.1933 |
500 Gulden |
144 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Sumatra Koffie- en Rubber-Cultuur Maatschappij "De Westkust" |
00.00.19__ |
1.000 Gulden |
145 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Sumatra Plantage Maatschappij |
00.03.1910 |
250 Gulden |
146 |
Naamlooze Vennootschap Sumatra Thee Maatschappij |
16.05.1911 |
500 Gulden |
147 |
Naammlooze Vennootschap Assam-Thee-Onderneming "Landen aan de Zuid" |
01.01.1905 |
500 Gulden |
148 |
Naigai Steel Corporation |
00.00.1940 |
10 x 20 Yen |
149 |
Najaf-Kufa Railway |
00.00.1905 |
Aktie |
150 |
National Government of the Republic of China - Liberty Bond |
01.09.1937 |
$ 10 |
151 |
New Central Borneo Company |
18.11.1896 |
100 x £ 1 |
152 |
New Oriental Bank Corporation, Limited |
06.11.1888 |
£ 121.17.6 |
153 |
Nilambur Rubber Estates Limited |
06.07.1910 |
100 x £ 0.3.0 |
154 |
Nippon Corporation |
00.00.1939 |
500 Yen |
155 |
Nischintapur Tea Co., Limited |
30.04.1952 |
Ord. 100 x 10 Rupees |
156 |
Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. |
19.03.2001 |
1 ADR |
157 |
North Korea Government Bond - Korean Airlines |
00.00.1950 |
100 Won |
158 |
North Laikdih Coal Co., Ld. |
19.09.1919 |
50x10 Rupees |
159 |
NYK Line (Nippon Yusen Kabushiki Kaisha) [2 Stück] |
00.01.1975 |
1.000 / 5.000 DM |
160 |
Oriental Bank Corporation |
02.05.1865 |
£ 25 |
161 |
Oriental Bank Corporation |
03.12.1851 |
£ 25 |
162 |
Oriental Bank Estates Company Limited |
00.00.18__ |
7 % Cumulativ Pref. |
163 |
Ostasien Company Limited |
00.00.1940 |
5 Aktien |
164 |
Ostasien Company Limited |
00.00.1940 |
50 Aktien |
165 |
Ostasien Company Limited |
00.00.1940 |
100 Aktien |
166 |
Ostasien Company Limited |
00.00.1940 |
100 Aktien |
167 |
Ost-Ozean Kolonieexpansions-Gesellschaft |
12.01.1909 |
50 Yuan |
168 |
Ottomanische Öffentliche Schuld / Ottoman Public Debt |
15.05.1929 |
1.000 Francs |
169 |
Ottomanische Öffentliche Schuld / Ottoman Public Debt |
15.05.1929 |
T£ 22 = £ 22 = 500 Francs |
170 |
Oude and Rohilkund Railway Company, Limited |
30.06.1873 |
£ 10.12.4 |
171 |
Palestine-British Bank Ltd. |
01.10.1963 |
10 x IL.10 |
172 |
Rajawella Produce Company Limited |
28.08.1934 |
£ 250 |
173 |
Republic of China - Nationalist Government Lottery Loan [6 Stück] |
00.00.1926 |
5 $ |
174 |
Republic of China - Nationalist Government Lottery Loan 1931 |
00.00.1931 |
5 x 1 Yuan |
175 |
Republic of China - Second Nationalist Government Lottery Loan |
01.08.1926 |
5 $ |
176 |
République Chinoise - Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai (Kuhlmann 550 RS) |
01.09.1920 |
500 Francs |
177 |
République Chinoise - Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai (Kuhlmann 600 RS) |
01.07.1921 |
500 Francs |
178 |
République Chinoise - Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai (Kuhlmann 280) |
01.01.1913 |
£ 20 |
179 |
Republique Libanaise |
01.01.19__ |
5.000 Livres Libanaises |
180 |
Royal Siamese Government |
02.01.1922 |
£ 100 |
181 |
Rubber Company of Malay, Limited |
15.04.1926 |
200 x 2/- |
182 |
S. Friedman & Sons, Carmel Original |
00.00.192_ |
US-$ 500 |
183 |
Samarangsche Schietclub |
12.06.1899 |
1 Gulden |
184 |
Schantung-Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft |
01.02.1923 |
1.000 Mark |
185 |
Scindia Steam Navigation Company, Limited |
16.09.1948 |
25 x 15 Rupees |
186 |
Shanghai Power Company |
01.05.1934 |
$ 1.000 |
187 |
Sika (India) Limited |
17.09.1929 |
Ord. 100 x £ 0.1.0 |
188 |
Smyrna Fig Packers, Limited |
06.03.1917 |
5 x £ 4 / 5 x 100 Francs |
189 |
Société Anonyme des Étains de Malaisie |
30.11.1924 |
100 Francs |
190 |
Société Anonyme Minière des Aimaks de Touchetoukhan et de Tsetsenkhan en Mongolie |
00.00.1911 |
50 Rubel |
191 |
Société Anonyme Minière des Aimaks de Touchetoukhan et de Tsetsenkhan en Mongolie |
00.00.1911 |
50 Rubel |
192 |
Société Anonyme Ottomane "Bosphore" pour L'Exploitation du Grand Parc de Beicos |
00.00.1914 |
500 Francs = Ltqs. 22 |
193 |
Societe des Plantations de Semadam ou Simadam S.A. / Semadam of Simadam Cultuur Maatschappij N.V. |
28.02.1913 |
1/10tel Part de Fondateur |
194 |
Société des Tramways de Constantinople |
30.04.1925 |
17 Livres Turques |
195 |
Société du Chemin de Fer Ottoman Salonique-Monastir |
08.02.1893 |
4.040 Mark = 5.000 Francs |
196 |
Société du Chemin de Fer Ottoman Salonique-Monastir |
08.02.1893 |
2.020 Mark = 2.500 Francs |
197 |
Société Française des Cisements Auriféres de Mô-Son Société Anonyme |
31.10.1903 |
Part de Fondateur |
198 |
Société Française des Verreries d'Indochine |
00.00.1929 |
100 Francs |
199 |
Société Ottomane du Chemin de Fer Smyrne-Cassaba & Prolongement / Ottoman Smyrna and Cassaba Railway and Extension Company |
01.07.1895 |
L.T. 22 = 500 Francs |
200 |
Société Ottomane du Chemin de Fer Smyrne-Cassaba & Prolongement / Ottoman Smyrna and Cassaba Railway and Extension Company |
25.10.1894 |
£ 20 = L.T. 22 = 500 Francs |
201 |
South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. |
00.00.1920 |
10 x 50 Yen |
202 |
South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. |
00.00.1940 |
10 x 50 Yen |
203 |
South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd. |
00.00.1940/44 |
50 x 50 Yen |
204 |
Stadsgemeente Batavia |
01.02.1937 |
1.000 Gulden |
205 |
Stadt Kobe |
00.05.1969 |
1.000 DM |
206 |
Stadt Kobe |
00.05.1983 |
1.000 DM |
207 |
Stadt Yokohama |
00.09.1969 |
1.000 DM |
208 |
State of Israel |
01.08.1967 |
US-$ 1.000 |
209 |
Straits Plantations, Limited |
04.12.1959 |
210 |
Sun Sun Co., Ltd. |
00.00.1945 |
10 Yuan |
211 |
Sutikdih Coal Company |
17.03.1908 |
100x10 Rupees |
212 |
Tabak-Regie-Gesellschaft des Türkischen Reiches Ottomanische AG |
08./21.05.1914 |
8,80 Türkische Pfund = £ 8 = 200 Francs |
213 |
Tainan Bussan Co. |
23.10.1958 |
10 NT |
214 |
Taiwan Rice Storage & Consumers Coop. |
00.02.1932 |
50 Yen |
215 |
Taiwan Seito Kabushiki Kaisha (Taiwan Zucker AG) |
20.02.1921 |
10 x 50 Yen |
216 |
Tata Iron and Steel Company Limited |
00.00.192_ |
First Mortgage Debenture Stock |
217 |
Tejerat Mussoodejh Company |
00.00.1898 |
2 Aktien |
218 |
Texpick Industries Ltd. |
02.01.2002 |
10x100 Taka |
219 |
Tien-Yang Clothing Co. of Busan |
21.10.1941 |
1.000 Gold-Yuan |
220 |
Tismoda Estates Company, Limited |
24.11.1920 |
£ 6.5.0 |
221 |
Tokyu Car Corporation |
00.08.1978 |
1.000 DM |
222 |
Türkiye Palamutculari Anonim Sirketi |
00.00.1925 |
1 Türkische Lira |
223 |
Ukuwela Estates Company, Limited |
01.11.1920 |
£ 15.0.0 |
224 |
Union Electrique d'Indo-Chine Société Anonyme |
25.01.1930 |
100 Francs |
225 |
Verein "Gemilath Chesed" von Jeschiwa Mea Schearim in Jerusalem |
o. D. |
Blankett |
226 |
Ville de Tokyo |
22.02.1912 |
500 Francs |
227 |
Web- und Spinn-AG Isfahan |
00.00.1947 |
1.000 Rial |
228 |
Western Patkoom Gold Prospecting Syndicate, Ld. |
15.10.1890 |
100x1 Ruppes |
229 |
Workers' Bank, Ltd. [3 Stück] |
1922 - 1923 |
Ord. 1 x £ 1 Eg. / Ord. 3 x £ 1 Eg. |
264 |
Cotton Seed Company, Limited |
20.07.1903 |
30 x £ 1 |
629 |
Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 306) |
21.05.1913 |
189,40 Rubel = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 195,92 Yen = 409 Mark |
716 |
Cambodia [12 Stück] |
1871 |
Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 302) [6 Stück] |
21.05.1913 |
505 Francs = £ 20 = 409 Mark = 189,4 Rubel |
1877 |
Emprunt Industriel du Gouvernement de la République Chinoise (Kuhlmann 330) [20 Stück] |
07.04.1914 |
500 Francs |
1896 |
Niederländisch-Indien [8 Stück] |
1900 |
Philippinen [6 Stück] |
1905 |
Sammlung Vietnam [17 Stück] |
1922 |
De Gouverneur-Generaal van Nederlandsch Indie |
15.07.1870 |
Urkunde |