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HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
O seu perito em acções antigas e história
do sector financeiro
Lote |
205 | ||||||||||||
Título |
Newport News and Mississippi Valley Company | ||||||||||||
Local/-is |
País |
USA | ||||||||||||
Região |
Amerika | ||||||||||||
Descrição |
22.10.1887, 5 Shares á US-$ 100, #1242, 19,5 x 29 cm, rot-braun, schwarz, etwas verschmutzt, eine der wenigen US-Aktien mit Kuponbogen! Als President signiert von Collis Potter Huntington. Schätzpreis: 180 Euro. | ||||||||||||
Descrição (Inglês) |
22 October 1887, 5 Shares á US-$ 100, #1242, 19.5 x 29 cm, red-brown, black, a bit stained, one of the few US-Share-Certificates with coupon sheet, signed as President by Collis Potter Huntington. Estimate: € 180. | ||||||||||||
Estado de conservação |
VF | ||||||||||||
Factos históricos (Alemão) |
Collis Potter Huntington (1821 - 1900) gilt neben Leland Standford, Charles Crocker und Mark Hopkins als einer der Big Four of California, die mit der Central Pacific Railroad den wesentlichen Teil der Transcontinentalen Eisenbahn bauten. Nach Abschluss dieses Projektes wandte sich Huntington der Idee einer südlichen Ost-West-Verbindung zu und gründete dafür die Southern Pacific Railroad. Zusammen mit Leland Standford war Huntington eindeutig der aktivste der Big Four. | ||||||||||||
Factos históricos (Inglês) |
Besides Leland Stanford, Charles Crocker and Mark Hopkins, Collis Potter Huntington (1821 - 1900) is considered one of the Big Four of California, who with the Central Pacific Railroad built the main part of the Transcontinental Railroad. On completion of this project, Huntington became interested in the idea of a Southern East-West connection and to that end founded the Southern Pacific Railroad. Together with Leland Stanford, Huntington was definitely the most active of the Big Four. | ||||||||||||
Primeira oferta |
5 € | ||||||||||||
Preço final |
110 € | ||||||||||||
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