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HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG –
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do sector financeiro
Lote |
202 | ||||||||||||
Título |
Camden and Amboy Rail Road and Transportation Company / Delaware & Raritan Canal Company | ||||||||||||
Local/-is |
País |
USA | ||||||||||||
Região |
Amerika | ||||||||||||
Descrição |
01.06.1832, 5 Shares of joint Stock in the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Camden & Ambox Rail Road and Transportation Companies, #209, 9,6 x 18,2 cm, schwarz, beige, Knickfalten, minimales Fehlstück unten, Originalsignatur Edwin Augustus Stevens, Bruder von Robert Livingston Stevens. Eine der frühesten US-Eisenbahnaktien! R8. Schätzpreis: 550 Euro. | ||||||||||||
Descrição (Inglês) |
1 June 1832, 5 Shares of joint Stock in the Delaware and Raritan Canal, and Camden & Ambox Rail Road and Transportation Companies, #209, 9.6 x 18.2 cm, black, beige, folds, minimal missing piece of paper at lower edge, signed by Edwin Augustus Stevens, brother of Robert Livingston Stevens. One of the very first US-Railway Shares! R8. Estimate: € 550. | ||||||||||||
Estado de conservação |
VF | ||||||||||||
Factos históricos (Alemão) |
Der Eisenbahnpionier Robert Livington Stevens kaufte 1831 von George Stephenson, dem Erfinder der Dampflokomotive, eine Lok und transportierte sie von England nach Amerika. Die erste funktionsfähige Dampflok Amerikas begann am 12.11.1831 ihren Dienst. Die Bahnlinie entstand im Februar 1830 als Doppelgesellschaft und erhielt bereits zwei Jahre später das Transportmonopol in New Jersey. 1871 vereinigte sich die Gesellschaft mit mehreren kleineren lokalen Bahnen und firmierte fortan unter New Jersey Railroad & Canal. | ||||||||||||
Factos históricos (Inglês) |
The railway pioneer Robert Livington Stevens bought a locomotive in 1831 from George Stephenson, the inventor of the steam locomotive, and transported it from England to America. The first functional steam locomotive of America started its operation on 12.11.1831. The railroad track was developed in February 1830 as dual company and obtained the transportation monopoly in New Jersey only two years later. The company united with multiple smaller and local railways in 1871 and from that point in time operated under the name of New Jersey Railroad & Canal. | ||||||||||||
Primeira oferta |
5 € | ||||||||||||
Preço final |
300 € | ||||||||||||
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