Ingelsberg 17 b
D- 85604 Zorneding
Deutschland / Germany
Tel.: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-86
Fax: +49 (0)8106 - 2461-88


1 Banque Industrielle de Chine (Kuhlmann 670 Scrip) 12.04.1925 US-$ Gold 9,48 - -
2 China Steam Ship & Labuan Coal Company, Limited 27.05.1865 £ 100 - -
3 Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 700 H inverted "No.") 30.09.1925 £ 5 - -
4 Chinese Government (Skoda Loan II, Kuhlmann 705 J) 30.09.1925 £ 1.000 - -
5 Chinese Government National Loan 00.00.1914 $ 5 - -
6 City of Osaka 00.00.1935 10.000 Yen - -
7 Crédit Foncier Chinois Société Anonyme 15.05.1910 Part Béneficiaire - -
8 Dairy Farm Company, Limited 15.11.1916 100 x $ 7,50 - -
9 East-India Company 20.05.1844 £ 2,861.5 - -
10 Gouvernement Chinois - Emprunt or 5 % de Réorganisation 1913 00.00.1913 189,40 Rubel - -
11 Gouvernement Impérial de Chine - Emprunt Chinois 5 % Or 1905 (Kuhlmann 138 RS) 02.10.1905 500 Francs - -
12 Gouvernement Impérial de Chine (Kuhlmann 55 CN) 00.00.1895 500 Francs = 404 Mark = £19.15.6 = 239 Gulden = 125 Rubel Gold - -
13 Hiroshima Syndicate 00.00.192_ 100 Shares - -
14 Imperial Government of Japan - 3,5 % Loan Bond ohne Datum 50 Yen - -
15 Imperial Government of Japan - 3,5 % Loan Bond ohne Datum 100 Yen - -
16 Imperial Government of Japan - 3,5 % Loan Bond 00.00.1939 100 Yen - -
17 Imperial Government of Japan - 3,5 % Loan Bond ca. 1939 500 Yen - -
18 Imperial Government of Japan - 3,5 % Loan Bond ca. 1939 1.000 Yen - -
19 Kaiserlich Ottomanische Regierung 01.03.1911 L.T. 22 = 408 Mark = 478,5 Oest. Kronen = 500 Francs = £ 20 = 240 Gulden - -
20 Micronesian Interocean Line, Inc. o. D. Specimen - -
21 Nepal Government Bond o. D. 1.000 Nepalesische Rupien - -
22 Republic of China (Kuhlmann 952) 01.07.1937 US-$ 1.000 - -
23 Société du Port de Haidar Pacha Tête de ligne du Chemin de Fer Ottoman d'Anatolie / Hafengesellschaft Haidar Pascha Kopfstation der Anatolischen Eisenbahn 28.08.1902 2.040 Mark = 2.500 Francs - -
24 State Bank of Pakistan 01.07.1948 10 x 100 Rupees - -
25 Sun Company, Limited 31.07.1947 100 x $ 10 - -
26 Toyo Automobile Co. Ltd. 15.06.1912 5 x 500 Yen - -
27 Toyo Automobile Co. Ltd. 15.06.1912 10 x 500 Yen - -
28 Tsingtao Exchange Co. Ltd. 00.00.1925 10 x 500 Yuan - -
29 Tung Whan Lung Great Highway 30.08.1926 1 Yuan - -
30 Unified Converted Debt of the Ottoman Empire 01./14.09.1903 2.500 Francs = £ 100 = Ltq. 110 - -
31 Ville de Kioto / City of Kioto 31.12.1909 500 Francs - -
527 Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 300) 21.05.1913 £ 20 = 409 Mark = 189,4 Rubel - -
528 Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 306) 21.05.1913 189,40 Rubel = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 195,92 Yen = 409 Mark - -
619 Dalian Stock and Commodity Exchange 15.12.1930 10 Aktien - -
708 Amalgamated Industrials Limited 08.12.1919 Ordinary 100 x £ 1 - -
709 Asian Development Bank [2 Stück] 01.07.1985 / 03.06.1986 1.000 Gulden - -
710 Bond Corporation International Investments Limited 13.05.1987 HK-$ 150.000.000 - -
711 Bond Corporation International Investments Limited 13.05.1987 HK-$ 130.000.000 - -
712 Bond Corporation International Investments Limited 13.05.1987 HK-$ 129.000.000 - -
713 Bond Corporation International Investments Limited 13.05.1987 HK-$ 100.000 - -
714 Ceylon-Travancore Rubber and Tea Estates, Limited 09.08.1910 70 x 2 Shillings - -
715 China - Kwantung 00.00.1931 - -
716 Chinese Government (Kuhlmann 303 / 307) 21.05.1913 189,40 Rubel = 505 Francs = £ 20 = 195,92 Yen = 409 Mark - -
717 Compagnie Financière Belgo-Chinoise (Belgo-Chinese Investment Company) Société Anoynme [2 Stück] 31.03.1926 50 Dollars Chinois / Part de Fondateur - -
718 Cultuur Maatschappij Batany Alai Zuider en Ooster Afdeeling v. Borneo 01.06.1897 500 Gulden - -
720 Ewo Cotton Mills, Ltd. 17.05.1949 10 x HK-$ 5 - -
721 General Debt of the Ottoman Empire 18./30.03.1865 £ 50 = 1.250 Francs - -
722 Gesellschaft für die Aufforstung eines Berges 00.12.1914 Aktie - -
723 Gouvernement de la Republique Chinoise / Chemin de Fer Lung-Tsing-U-Hai 10.06.1925 500 Francs - -
724 Gouvernement Général de l'Indochine 31.10.1931 1.000 Francs - -
725 Guangshen Railway Company Limited 12.05.1999 1 ADR - -
726 H. K. Cheung Shi Clansmen's Association - -
727 Honda Motor Co., Ltd. 23.03.1989 Optionsschein Common Shares - -
728 Hong Kong Telephone Company, Limited 18.07.1985 400 x $ 1 - -
729 Hongkong & Kowloon Land & Loan Co. 30.05.1936 Aktie - -
730 Hongkong & Kowloon Land & Loan Co. [2 Stück] 1930er Aktie - -
731 Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Limited 01.07.1932 100 x $ 10 - -
732 Hongkong & Shanghai Hotels, Limited 24.05.1969 500 x $ 7,50 - -
733 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation - Hongkong Register 10.04.1961 20 x HK-$ 25 - -
734 HongkongBank - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 26.10.1987 1 x HK-$ 2,50 - -
735 HongkongBank - The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited 12.04.1990 400 x HK-$ 2,50 - -
736 Hutchison Properties Limited 22.02.1980 Ord. 1.000 x HK-$ 5 - -
737 Imperial Chinese Government (Hukuang Railways, Kuhlmann 233) 15.06.1911 £ 100 - -
738 Imperial Chinese Government (Tientsin-Pukow Railway Supplementary Loan, Kuhlmann 200 OC) 01.06.1911 £ 100 - -
739 Industrial Development Bank of China 01.07.1924 10 Yuan - -
740 Kamunting Tin Dredging Limited 21.11.1930 £ 100 - -
741 Kwangtung 1938 - Military Supply Loan [2 Stück] 00.00.1938 5 / 10 Yuan - -
742 Leun on Fire & Marine Insurance Co., Ltd. 00.00.1955 Aktie 12,50 Yuan - -
743 Manzhou Diguo Zhengfu / Regierung des Kaiserreiches Mandschurei 01.06.1944 50 Yuan - -
744 Mei Feng Bank of Szechuen 12.03.1939 $ 1.000 - -
745 Oversea-Chinese Banking Corporation, Limited 09.12.1940 $ 10.000 - -
746 Republic of China - 27th Year Gold Loan of the Republic of China (1938) 01.05.1938 US-$ 10 - -
747 République Chinoise - Chemin de Fer Lung Tsing-U-Hai (Kuhlmann 280 RS) 01.01.1913 £ 20 - -
748 Scinde, Punjaub & Delhi Railway Annuity 31.08.1905 £ 44 - -
749 Semambu Rubber Estates, Ld. 06.10.1932 (191_) 100 x 1 Teal (10 Candareens) - -
750 Shanghai Municipal Council 31.05.1934 1.000 Chinese Dollars - -
751 Shanghai Power Company 04.03.1940 US-$ 5.000 - -
752 Shanghai Worsted Mill, Ltd. 10.10.1947 100 x HK-$ 5 - -
753 Swire Properties Limited 09.10.1981 Ord. 500 x HK-$ 1 - -
754 The Bible & Talmud Company 16.10.1938 100 Shares - -
755 Tientsin Land Investment Company Limited 31.12.1929 1.000 Taels - -
756 United Commercial Bank Ltd. 11.11.1996 Ord. 5 x 100 Taka - -
757 Volksrepublik China 00.10.1987 10.000 DM - -
758 Workers' Bank, Ltd. 18.06.1925 £ 1 Eg. - -
1827 China - Banken - H-Shares [4 Stück] - -
1846 Indochina [5 Stück] - -