50 Highlights Teil 2 der 54. Auktion für Historische Wertpapiere Part 2 of the 54th Auction for Old Stocks and Bonds Часть 2-я 54-го аукциона антикварных ценных бумаг

61 Los 654 Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Company, Limited - Shanghai Branch Shanghai, 9 March 1866, 5 Shares of 250 Dollars each, 125 Dollars paid up, Scrip #5, Shares #19291-5, 21.6 x 19.7 cm, black, white, vertical fold, holes partially repaired with tape, condition VF, stamp cancelled, there must be only a few of these certifica- tes, because only 20,000 Shares were issued, and the first five certificates represent 19,295 Shares, first time we see the Founder’s Share of the legen-dary HSBC-Bank! R12! After the British established Hong Kong as a colony (Treaty of Nanking) in the aftermath of the First Opium War (1839 - 1842), mer- chants from other parts of the British Empire, now in Hong Kong, felt the need for a bank to finance the growing trade, through Hong Kong and sometimes also through Shanghai, between China and British India, the rest of the British Empire and Europe. The founder, Thomas Sutherland of the Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Company, wanted a bank operating on „sound Scottish banking principles.“ He founded the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation in Hongkong with a share capital of HK$ 5 million on 3 March 1865. It opened a branch in Shanghai during April of that year, and started issuing locally denominated banknotes in both the Crown Colony and Shanghai soon afterwards. A branch in Japan was also established in Yokohama in 1866. Shares of the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation were one of 13 securities initially traded on the Shanghai Stock Exchange, and were traded on that exchange until the Japanese closed the exchange in 1941. Sir Thomas Jackson became chief manager in 1876. During his twenty-six year tenure, the Bank became a financial institution in Asia. The Japanese invasion in Hong Kong hit the bank. In anticipation of the invasi- on, the Bank’s head office moved to London. During the Japanese occupation the chief manager Sir Vandeleur Grayburn, and his suc- cessor David C. Edmondston, both died while interned by the Japanese. Although the bank’s assets were restored to the bank at the end of the war, the Chinese Civil War affected banks’s recovery. The Communist Party of China took over Shanghai in early 1949, towards the end of the civil war. By 1955, while bank was permitted to continue to operate the Shanghai branch, all its operations elsewhere in mainland China were closed. The Bank grew through takeovers in the following decades. It bought the British Bank of the Middle East (1955), the Mercantile Bank in India (1959), and the Hang Seng Bank (1965). In 1980, HSBC launched a hostile takeover bid for the Roy- al Bank of Scotland, although the bid was blocked by the British government. In 1991, HSBC reorganised as a holding company, HSBC Holdings plc was incorporated. The reorganisation happened in preparation for its purchase of the UK-based Midland Bank and the im- pending transfer of sovereignty of Hong Kong to China. The acquisition of Midland Bank gave the bank a substantial market presence in the United Kingdom. Headquarters were moved from Hongkong to London in 1993. The bank managed the financial crises of the year 2008 better than many other banks. Therefore HSBC is the largest European bank now, and the seven largest bank of the world. Minimum bid: 10,000 € Bank zum führenden Finanzhaus in Asien. Schwer zu schaffen machte der Bank der japanische Einmarsch in Hongkong 1941. Vor- sorglich wurde der Sitz nach London verlegt und zwei Vorstände, Vandeleur Grayburn und David C. Edmondston starben in japani- scher Haft. 1946 kehrte das Institut nach Hongkong zurück. Nun bremste der chinesische Bürgerkrieg die weitere Entwicklung. Die kommunistische Partei Chinas übernahm Anfang 1949 Shanghai. 1955 wurde es der Bank zwar gestattet, weiter in Shanghai tätig zu sein, aber alle Tätigkeiten auf dem chinesischen Festland wurden untersagt. In den folgenden Jahrzehnten wuchs die Bank durch Über- nahmen. Sie erwarb die British Bank of the Middle East (1955), die Mercantile Bank aus Indien (1959) und die Hang Seng Bank (1965). Als das Institut 1980 eine feindliche Übernahme der Royal Bank of Scotland startete, griff die Britische Regierung ein und verbot die Übernahme. 1991 wurde die Gesellschaft neu strukturiert. Es kam zur Gründung der HSBC Holdings plc. Dieser Schritt war vor der Übernahme der britischen Midland Bank sowie vor dem Übergang der Kontrolle über Hongkong durch China erforderlich gewesen. Mit der Übernahme der Midland Bank erreichte HSBC auch in Großbritannien ein starkes Standbein. 1993 wurde der Firmensitz von Hongkong nach London verlegt. Im Vergleich zu vielen anderen Banken überstand HSBC die Finanzkrise 2008 relativ glimpflich. Da- her ist das Institut heute die größte Bank Europas und die Nummer sieben weltweit. Mindestgebot: 10.000 € Thomas Sutherland, Gründer der Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation (rechts). Links eine 2005 erstellte Auf-nahme des Shanghaier Haupt-sitzes von HSBC von 1923 bis 1955. Thomas Sutherland, founder of HSBC (right). At left the HSBC Building in Shanghai in 2005, the headquarters of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation from 1923 to 1955 for its Shanghai operation.