Lot-# Title / Shortform
Bid in Euro
Lot-# Title / Shortform
Bid in Euro
Do not miss a chance!
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of bids (total of hammer prices). We execute your bids until your limit is reached.
My limit (total of hammer prices): _____________Euro
Place, date
Fax +49 - 81 06 - 24 61 88
We confirm your bids, when received. You can
send your bids via E-Mail, too:
c/o Matthias Schmitt
Ingelsberg 17b
85604 Zorneding
Auction bid for the 29th auction (public auction, April 20th) and
30th auction (online auction, April 22nd) of the HWPH Historisches
Wert­papierhaus AG. Hereby I authorize the HWPH Historisches Wert-
papierhaus AG to bid on my behalf and bill to me the following No.
until the listed bid amounts are reached. The printed sales terms in the
catalogue apply which have been affirmed by the submission of my
bids. The bid terms will be met in Euros without a 15 % surcharge and
sales tax.
Bidder No. (will be filled in by auctioneer)
Last Name:
First Name:
City, ZIP, Country
Written Bids Form for the 29th and 30th auction on 20 and 22 April 2013
HWPH Historisches Wertpapierhaus AG, c/o Matthias Schmitt, Ingelsberg 17b, 85604 Zorneding, Deutschland
Tel.: +49 - 81 06 24 61 86 (Matthias Schmitt) Fax: + 49 - 81 06 24 61 88
Beware of delivery date cut off!
Friday, April 19th, noon!
Monday, April 22nd, noon!
1...,104,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113 115,116